Inevitable becomes more inevitable

30 05 2010

Last year I got into something called Paranoia.

It is a dystopia-themed sci-fi RPG in which players are not allowed to know the rules (except maybe that one, maybe, oh dear, I’ve probably said too much…) as they try to the bidding of the omnipresent planet-ruling AI, Friend Computer (which mostly involves killing commies, mutants and traitors, which the players invariably are at least guilty of three of those crimes).

You can get a digital dose of Paranoia through Java via the Paranoia-Live community.

Through that network I’ve come into knowledge of a similarly themed boardgame on the precipice of release – Inevitable.

Inevitable is a satirical board game set in a slapstick dystopian future. Every play is designed to provide 2-6 players with hours of quality entertainment, danger, violence, betrayal, mayhem, and laughs. It contains a robust amount of high explosives and dead things. It was designed by people who think Orwell’s 1984 is a comedy and the Necronomicon is a romance.

If you are willing to fork out $75 in the next 48 hours you can get yourself a special print copy of the game, and your name in the credits. The game includes references to The Flying Spaghetti Monster, The Church of the Sub Genius, Kali the Destroyer and more – and that’s just the play money.

Mars attacked by robot ants from Earth

8 11 2008

via io9

Yes, those planets are the right way round.

Maybe they are just going to turn the red planet into a big 1950s space horror theme park. Personally I’d much rather a Total Recall theme.

I-SWARM is an EU brainchild that has tiny robots working together to accomplish tasks. Not only will they be small and versatile, but they will adapt to new scenarios, and use a mega-Voltron form to accomplish difficult tasks.

Sounds great. If they don’t kill us all. Autonomous robots capable of “anything” are not exactly going to calm down technophobic doomsayers.

They are microbots, not nanobots, so we are hopefully avoiding the grey goo scenario. Maybe apocalypse by M&Ms?

Anyway, I’m not against them on techno-grounds. I’d just rather it wasn’t ants. Robotic spiders are awesome though.